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About Us

The Fruit Company SAL is the fruit of WJT International's constant achievements in the international trade sector, with a base in Belgium since 2011 and  in Lebanon since 2015.

TFC is a fruit marketing company based in Lebanon that produces and trades agricultural products all over the world.

Wissam Charwani, the companies' founder, has more than 10 years of expertise handling trade, distribution, and supply chain activities in more than 25 countries across Europe, Africa, South America, and the Middle East.

Our ability to lead and develop the production and trade sector stems from our long experience, competence, and dedication to the industry. In addition, we have global sales, supply chain, and logistical networks in over 45 countries.

This ten-year reputation is the result of our refusal to compromise on quality. TFC will achieve its goal of growing the Lebanese agricultural sector through direct involvement in each phase of the agricultural process up till arrival at various destinations(existing and targeted), based on a solid vision, a multinational corporate culture, and a history of professionalism.

TFC team will train important participants in the Lebanese agricultural sector on how to fulfill this industry standards and reach developed markets. We use precise protocols to improve the quality of our products and make them meet or exceed international standards.

The company's  core businesses are land management, production, packing, fruit marketing, branding, and sales.


TFC Lebanon aims to become internationally recognized as the most reliable business partner, producing and delivering prime quality Lebanese seasonal fresh produce.


TFC through its accumulated skills, knowledge, labor, and worldwide network, will guide the Lebanese agricultural sector and make it develop properly.

History & Establishment


From WJT International, the reputable multinational supply chain & distribution group based in Belgium since 2011.


In the heart of Lebanon, during an ultra-critical phase on both economic & political levels.


Built proudly on a ten-year track record of success, strong multinational competence, global sales and procurement networks, and a vibrant, young, and highly competent workforce!


With the primary goal of strengthening Lebanon's agricultural industry on the levels of production methods and standards, supply, strategic business trade, market concept, fruit marketing, and so on.

TFC Lebanon

In the year 2020, we launched The Fruit Company SAL in Lebanon.

TFC Egypt

In the year 2021, we launched The Fruit Company in Egypt.

Keep In Touch With Us

Contact Info

Sin el Fil, Fouad Shehab Street, Facing Credit Libanais Bank, Colombo Building, 3rd Floor
Majdaloun Main Road, Beqaa, Lebanon
TFCAll rights reserved THE FRUIT COMPANY SAL ©